2009년 10월 24일 토요일

Lesson learned

Gravity took its toll on me.
It happened at the gym.
There I was, sheepishly lifting weights that were clearly too heavy for my scrawny arms.
But I did so anyways, with great effort; my stubbornness had taken the better of me.
Not only after I had finished 4 sets could I find the luxury to wipe the sweat off my temples and look out the window.
The day was beautiful; the green trees swayed in the wind
People strolled by, enjoying the warm sunshine and the crisp autumn air.
What I had not noticed
was the 20 kilo dumbbell rolling slyly towards the edge of the press bench.
It inched closer and closer towards the edge, like a hungry mongoose preying on a defenseless rodent, before making its plunge.
It, fueled by the force of gravity,
mercilessly struck down on my unguarded toe.
It was the sound that surprised me at first; the solid thump that made everybody in the gym cringe.
Then came the pain.
It shot through my leg like an electric shock
The weight had come down on my fourth toe of my left foot.
It didn't seem too bad at first, for the pain was soon replaced with a strange numbing sensation
But later the pain came back,
It was kind of a throbbing pain, that shed its presence in minute intervals
It didn't stop.
I was forced to take off my shoe and take a closer look.
The little toe was so distended that it seemed out of place
Like an ugly brute, it stood out grotesquely in the line of polished toes.
I cringed and swore.
It sucked.
'I wish I hadn't come here in the first place' I thought.
'I should have just stayed home and read Conrad' I thought.
But no. I had to come to the gym and let fate work its magic.
I guess it could have been worse
At least I learned my lesson:
never go do something when you know you should be doing something else.

댓글 2개:

  1. Hey Yongmin,
    I really like the flow of this post. It's pleasant to read, but sounds profound at the same time.

  2. Haha I hope your toe's okay by now. Gravity, yuck. I just hate seeing that word any more (serious side effects from taking physics). I love your descriptions such as the mongoose. I seriously pictured the weight crawling up on you. ; )
